How a High Performing Medical Practice Enhances Patient Experience

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the patient experience has emerged as a critical factor in determining the success of medical practices. Patient experience encompasses the interactions, perceptions, and overall satisfaction of patients during their healthcare journey. It goes beyond the clinical aspect of care and encompasses the entire spectrum of a patient’s encounter with a medical practice.

A positive patient experience has numerous benefits for both patients and medical practices. It leads to improved patient outcomes, increased patient satisfaction, and ultimately, better patient loyalty. Patients who have had a positive experience are more likely to adhere to treatment plans, recommend the practice to others, and have a higher level of trust in their healthcare providers.

The Importance of a High Performing Medical Practice

A high performing medical practice is one that consistently delivers exceptional care and exceeds patient expectations. Such practices prioritize patient experience and understand its significance in building a successful healthcare organization. They go beyond providing clinical expertise and focus on creating a supportive, compassionate, and patient-centered environment.

Medical practices that excel in patient experience often enjoy increased patient retention and attract new patients through positive word-of-mouth. They also benefit from improved staff morale and engagement, as employees feel a sense of pride in working for an organization that values patient experience. Ultimately, a high performing medical practice sets itself apart from competitors and establishes a reputation for excellence in patient care.

HCAHPS and Its Role in Measuring Patient Experience

HCAHPS, or the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems, is a standardized survey that measures patients’ perspectives on hospital care. It is a valuable tool used to assess and compare patient experiences across different medical practices. HCAHPS covers various aspects of patient experience, including communication with doctors and nurses, responsiveness of staff, pain management, cleanliness, and overall rating of the hospital.

The HCAHPS survey plays a crucial role in measuring patient experience and provides valuable feedback to medical practices. It allows practices to identify areas for improvement, implement targeted interventions, and track progress over time. By focusing on the dimensions measured by HCAHPS, medical practices can enhance their patient experience and ensure a high level of care.

The Impact of Patient Satisfaction Surveys on Medical Practices

Patient satisfaction surveys are another powerful tool in understanding and improving patient experience. These surveys gauge patients’ satisfaction levels, gather feedback on specific aspects of care, and provide valuable insights into patients’ needs and expectations. Medical practices that regularly conduct patient satisfaction surveys can adapt their services to better meet patient preferences, leading to a more positive experience.

Patient satisfaction surveys also offer medical practices an opportunity to address any concerns or issues raised by patients. By actively listening to patient feedback and taking prompt action, practices can demonstrate their commitment to patient-centered care. This not only improves patient experience but also fosters patient trust and loyalty.

Key Elements of a Positive Patient Experience

Creating a positive patient experience involves several key elements that collectively contribute to patient satisfaction. Clear and effective communication is paramount, ensuring that patients feel heard, understood, and involved in their care decisions. Empathy and compassion from healthcare providers create a supportive and comforting environment for patients, reducing anxiety and building trust.

Timely access to care is another crucial factor. Whether it’s scheduling appointments promptly or minimizing wait times, medical practices that prioritize efficiency and access demonstrate their commitment to patient-centered care.

Additionally, maintaining a clean and comfortable physical environment, ensuring privacy and confidentiality, and providing clear information and education all contribute to a positive experience for patients.

Strategies for Enhancing Patient Experience in a Medical Practice

There are several strategies that medical practices can employ to enhance patient experience and achieve high performance. First and foremost, practices should invest in training and development programs for healthcare providers and staff. These programs should emphasize effective communication, empathy, and patient-centered care, equipping healthcare professionals with the necessary skills to deliver exceptional patient experiences.

Implementing technology solutions can also greatly enhance patient experience. Online appointment scheduling, electronic health records, and patient portals empower patients to take an active role in managing their healthcare. Additionally, technology can streamline administrative processes, reducing wait times and improving overall efficiency.

Collaboration and teamwork within the medical practice are essential for delivering a seamless patient experience. By fostering a culture of collaboration and open communication, healthcare providers can coordinate care effectively, ensuring continuity and reducing errors. Regularly seeking patient feedback, conducting internal quality improvement initiatives, and implementing patient experience metrics also help medical practices continuously monitor and improve their patient experience.

Prioritizing Patient Experience in Medical Practices

Prioritizing patient experience is not only crucial for the well-being and satisfaction of patients but also for the success of medical practices. A high performing medical practice that enhances the experience reaps numerous benefits, including improved patient outcomes, increased patient loyalty, and enhanced reputation.

By understanding the importance of patient experience, investing in training and technology, and implementing patient-centered strategies, medical practices can create a positive and lasting impact on their patients’ lives.

Learn how WUWTA can enhance the patient experience in your medical practice. Contact us today.

WUWTA: Unlocking Efficiency in Your Practice With 10 Proven Strategies

Understanding the concept of WUWTA

In today’s fast-paced world, efficiency is key to success in any industry, including medical practices. One tool that has revolutionized practice messaging and improved medical practice efficiency is WUWTA.

WUWTA, short for “What You Want to Talk About,” is a comprehensive platform designed to streamline communication, enhance patient experience, and optimize overall practice efficiency. By leveraging the power of WUWTA, medical practices can unlock a multitude of benefits and take their efficiency to new heights.

The importance of practice messaging in medical practices

Effective practice messaging is a critical aspect of running a successful medical practice. It serves as a means of communication between healthcare providers and patients, ensuring that important information is conveyed accurately and promptly. With WUWTA, practice messaging becomes even more streamlined and efficient. The platform allows medical practices to anticipate and answer patient questions before their appointments, paving the way for a smoother and more productive visit. By proactively addressing patient concerns, healthcare providers can establish trust and build stronger patient relationships.

Challenges faced in achieving efficiency in medical practices

While the benefits of practice messaging are undeniable, there are several challenges that medical practices face when it comes to achieving efficiency. One common hurdle is the time-consuming nature of repetitive tasks, such as answering the same questions over and over again. With WUWTA, this challenge is effectively eliminated. The platform enables healthcare providers to communicate once but have infinite plays, ensuring that important information reaches every patient without the need for repetitive manual efforts. Additionally, medical practices often struggle with missed referrals and the inability to follow up effectively. WUWTA addresses these challenges by automating the referral process and even sending automated thank you notes to maintain strong relationships with referring providers.

10 proven strategies to unlock efficiency in your practice with WUWTA

  1. Anticipating and answering patient questions before their appointments: By utilizing WUWTA, medical practices can proactively address patient concerns and provide helpful information ahead of scheduled visits. This not only saves time but also enhances patient satisfaction and engagement.
  2. Grow compliance through a frictionless process: WUWTA offers a seamless patient experience by eliminating the need for patients to download additional apps or remember login credentials. This frictionless process ensures higher compliance rates and reduces barriers to effective communication.
  3. Appointment confirmation built into flows: With WUWTA, appointment confirmation becomes effortless. The platform incorporates appointment confirmation directly into patient communication flows, reducing no-show rates and optimizing scheduling efficiency.
  4. Registration paperwork built into flows: By integrating registration paperwork into the WUWTA platform, medical practices can eliminate the hassle of manual paperwork and streamline the patient registration process. This saves time for both patients and healthcare providers, improving overall practice efficiency.
  5. Communication once, but infinite plays—answering the same questions over and over again: WUWTA’s intelligent messaging system allows healthcare providers to communicate important information to patients once, but with infinite plays. This means that patients receive the necessary information without the need for repetitive manual efforts, freeing up valuable time for healthcare providers.
  6. Never miss another referral—we even automate the thank you note to keep that relationship strong: Referrals are a vital aspect of a medical practice’s growth and success. WUWTA keep patients on track by pushing messages to them rather than depending upon the patients to proactively call the practice. WUWTA takes the referral process to the next level by automating referral tracking and even sending automated thank you notes to referring providers. This ensures that no referral opportunity is missed and helps maintain strong professional relationships.
  7. Built-in case acceptance: testimonials make your patients feel comfortable and included: WUWTA offers a comprehensive case acceptance feature that includes patient testimonials. By showcasing positive patient experiences and outcomes, medical practices can increase patient comfort and engagement, leading to higher case acceptance rates.
  8. Telemedicine consults right through the platform: Telemedicine has become increasingly popular, especially in recent times. WUWTA enables medical practices to offer telemedicine consults directly through the platform, providing patients with convenient and accessible healthcare options.
  9. Feel uncomfortable asking for reviews? WUWTA does that for you!: Online reviews play a significant role in shaping a medical practice’s reputation. WUWTA takes the discomfort out of asking for reviews by automating the process, making it easier for patients to share their experiences and for medical practices to manage their online presence.
  10. Intelligence to know who may not show up: No-shows can greatly impact the efficiency of a medical practice. WUWTA’s intelligent system analyzes various factors to predict which patients may not show up for their appointments. This allows healthcare providers to take preventive measures and optimize their scheduling to minimize no-shows.

Implementing effective practice messaging using WUWTA

Implementing WUWTA into a medical practice is a straightforward and seamless process. The platform provides tools and resources to support implementation, ensuring a smooth transition. From customizable messaging templates to automated workflows, WUWTA offers a comprehensive suite of features that can be tailored to the specific needs of each medical practice. With proper training, healthcare providers can maximize the potential of WUWTA and unlock the full benefits of efficient practice messaging.

Tools and resources to support the implementation of WUWTA

WUWTA provides medical practices with an array of tools and resources to support the implementation process. These include customizable messaging templates, automated workflows, and analytics dashboards. These resources enable healthcare providers to personalize their practice messaging, streamline communication flows, and gain valuable insights into patient engagement and satisfaction.


In conclusion, WUWTA is a game-changer for medical practices seeking to unlock efficiency and improve practice messaging. By implementing the ten proven strategies outlined in this article, healthcare providers can streamline communication, enhance patient experience, and optimize overall practice efficiency. With a seamless implementation process, comprehensive training programs, and consulting services, medical practices can leverage the power of WUWTA to revolutionize their operations and achieve new levels of success. Embrace WUWTA and unlock the full potential of your practice today.

Unleashing the Power of Google Reviews: How To Enhance Your Online Reputation and Drive Business Success

The Importance of Online Reputation Management

As a business owner, you understand the significance of maintaining a positive reputation. Your online reputation is crucial in the digital age.

It can either make or break your business. Consumers heavily rely on online information when making purchasing decisions. Online reputation management is the key to safeguarding and enhancing your brand image in the virtual world.

In today’s hyper-connected world, consumers have the power to voice their opinions and experiences with just a few clicks. Online reviews have become an integral part of the decision-making process for potential customers. 90% of people read online reviews before buying something, and 88% trust online reviews as much as recommendations from friends. This highlights the critical role that online reputation management plays in the success of your business.

Understanding the Impact of Online Reviews

Online reviews have a profound impact on your business. Positive reviews can attract new customers, boost credibility, and increase sales. On the other hand, negative reviews can tarnish your reputation, drive potential customers away, and harm your bottom line. It’s crucial to understand the power and influence that online reviews hold.

When potential customers search for your business online, they are likely to come across reviews on platforms such as Google. These reviews can shape their perception of your brand and influence their decision to engage with your business. Positive reviews act as social proof, giving customers confidence in your products or services. Conversely, negative reviews can be detrimental, leading potential customers to question your credibility and reliability.

Key Benefits of Positive Online Reviews

Positive online reviews offer several benefits to your business. First, they build trust and credibility. Positive feedback from customers builds trust and confidence in your brand, increasing the likelihood of consumers choosing to buy from you. Positive reviews also act as free advertising, as satisfied customers become brand advocates and spread the word about your business.

Moreover, positive online reviews can improve your search engine rankings. Customer reviews impact search engine rankings. More positive reviews increase the chances of businesses appearing higher in search results. This increased visibility can lead to more organic traffic to your website and ultimately drive business success.

The Role of Review Software in Managing Online Reputation

Managing your online reputation can be overwhelming, especially if you have many customer reviews to keep track of and reply to. This is where review software comes into play. Review software automates monitoring and managing online reviews, helping businesses stay on top of their reputation.

Review software typically aggregates reviews from various platforms into a single dashboard, allowing you to track and respond to feedback easily. It sends real-time notifications when new reviews are posted, allowing you to address any concerns or issues promptly. Review software can give you data and insights to understand customer feelings and find ways to improve.

Choosing the Right Online Reputation Management Company

If managing your online reputation seems overwhelming, you may consider outsourcing the task to an online reputation management company. These companies specialize in monitoring, influencing, and improving your online reputation. However, choosing the right online reputation management company is crucial for achieving the desired results.

When selecting an online reputation management company, consider their track record, expertise, and approach to managing online reputations. Look for companies that have experience in your industry and a proven success rate in enhancing online reputations. It’s also important to ensure that the company follows ethical practices and adheres to industry standards.

How Online Reputation Management Services Can Enhance Your Business

Investing in online reputation management services can have a significant impact on your business. These services not only monitor and respond to reviews, but they also proactively enhance and protect your online reputation.

Online reputation management services typically include review monitoring, review generation, review response, and reputation repair. These services help you create a good online image and handle negative feedback quickly. They monitor and engage with customer reviews. Reputation repair services can also assist in mitigating the impact of negative reviews and restoring your brand’s reputation.

Additionally, online reputation management services provide valuable insights and analytics. By analyzing customer sentiment and feedback, you can gain a deeper understanding of your target audience and make informed business decisions. This data-driven approach can ultimately lead to improved customer satisfaction, increased sales, and business growth.

Strategies for Improving Your Online Reputation

Online reputation management services work well, but you can also improve your online reputation by yourself using certain strategies. Here are some key strategies to consider:

  • Encourage positive reviews: Actively encourage satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google. You can do this through email campaigns, social media promotions, or by simply asking customers directly.
  • Respond to reviews: Whether the review is positive or negative, it’s important to respond promptly and professionally. Thank customers for their feedback, address any concerns, and show that you value their opinions.
  • Monitor social media: Stay vigilant on social media platforms and address any customer inquiries or complaints in a timely manner. Engaging with customers on social media shows that you are attentive and responsive.
  • Provide exceptional customer service: The best way to earn positive reviews is by providing exceptional customer service. Go above and beyond to exceed customer expectations and resolve any issues that may arise.
  • Stay proactive: Regularly monitor your online reputation and address any negative reviews or feedback promptly. By staying proactive, you can prevent potential reputation damage and maintain a positive online presence.

Google Review Management Best Practices

Google review management is an absolutely essential factor for any business in the digital age. More and more customers are using the internet to write reviews about businesses they have used. Publicly visible reviews are crucial for businesses to consider.

With Google review management, businesses can monitor and respond to feedback, improving customer experience and encouraging more reviews. Google reviews are important for customer experience and digital marketing due to the increasing importance of digital search.

Google Review Management Software

Having a great online presence is essential for businesses of all sizes, and managing your review collection can be a challenge. Google Review Management Software simplifies gathering information from various sources. It also helps in monitoring customer reviews. This software enables you to stay updated and respond promptly and efficiently.

From automated review requests to comprehensive reporting, Google Review Management Software helps you stay organized and build a stronger online reputation. Use sentiment analysis and customer feedback to highlight strengths and enhance customer experience. Take control of your online reputation and manage reviews more efficiently—invest in Google Review Management Software today!

Getting Positive Google Reviews

Internet users always search for the best product or service, especially when it comes to prices. Many users turn to Google to check out who the best players in the market are. After all, no one wants to waste their money on subpar products and services.

That’s why reading through positive reviews on Google is so important. People want to know what other people have to say about a company.

Lots of positive reviews from happy customers help build trust that the customer is going to get quality for their money.

Review Management Strategy Options

Choosing the right management strategy is hard for improving efficiency and success in a business. To make a good choice, you should consider various ways to manage something. It is important to think about the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Depending on the specific needs of an organization, one strategy may be more appropriate than another. A business that cares about customers should prioritize customer service, while a technology company might find an agile approach helpful. Careful evaluation of potential strategies and the objectives of the business will be key in making the right decision.

Google Review Management Service

WUWTA is a great tool for businesses looking to improve your local business’ online presence in Google maps and Google search. With a variety of customizable features and automated tools, businesses can easily organize and manage customer feedback.

This helps boost rankings within search engine results, and also monitors reviews across hundreds of popular sites and platforms. With the help of this service, businesses can quickly and easily respond to reviews, track mentions, and ensure their reputation is kept in good standing.

This service also allows local businesses to target their audiences with their Google business profile by using sentiment analysis, viewing detailed data insights, and managing multiple platforms from a single dashboard. With the help of the Google Review Management Service, businesses can effectively manage their online reputation and build customer loyalty and get more 5-star ratings.

Unleashing the Power of Google Reviews for Business Success

In today’s digital landscape, online reputation management is crucial for driving business success. Google reviews, in particular, hold immense power in shaping consumers’ perception of your brand. You can improve your online reputation and get more customers by understanding the impact of online reviews and utilizing positive reviews. Additionally, using appropriate tools and strategies also contributes to these outcomes.

Remember, managing your online reputation is an ongoing process. It requires constant monitoring, engagement, and proactive measures. If you find the task overwhelming, consider partnering with an online reputation management company. They can help you manage your online reputation and use Google reviews to make your business successful.


Q: What are the benefits of managing Google reviews?

A: The benefits of managing Google reviews are numerous. Reviews help businesses build trust and credibility, enabling customers to make informed decisions before they make a purchase. Additionally, reviews can help a business differentiate itself from competitors and drive more traffic to their website. Finally, reviews are widely seen as an important factor in improving SEO (search engine optimization) rankings, as having positive reviews associated with your business can help it rank higher in searches.

Q: What are the benefits of managing Google reviews?

A: The benefits of managing Google reviews are numerous. Reviews help businesses build trust and credibility, enabling customers to make informed decisions before they make a purchase. Additionally, reviews can help a business differentiate itself from competitors and drive more traffic to their website. Finally, reviews are widely seen as an important factor in improving SEO (search engine optimization) rankings, as having positive reviews associated with your business can help it rank higher in searches.

Q: What is the importance of monitoring Google reviews?

A: Monitoring Google reviews is critical as it allows companies to stay on top of customer perceptions, better understand customer sentiment, and respond in a timely manner. It is also important to ensure that customers are not leaving negative reviews due to poor customer service or product issues, as this can have adverse effects on a business’s online reputation.

Q: How can businesses collect more Google reviews?

A: There are several ways businesses can go about collecting more Google reviews. Sending automated emails or text messages to customers after they purchase a product or service to request feedback is a great way to start. Providing customers with an easy and fast way to leave reviews, such as through a link or mobile app, can make the process simpler and help increase customer participation.

Call WUWTA for Google Reviews Management and take control of your online reputation today!

Simplify Your Day: Time Management Skills for Healthcare Professionals

‍Time management for healthcare professionals provides them quality care to their patients while also maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Efficiently managing time can lead to increased productivity, reduced stress, and improved patient outcomes. In the fast-paced healthcare industry, where every second counts, effective time management is essential.

One reason why time management is important in healthcare is because it helps healthcare professionals prioritize their tasks. By carefully planning their day, healthcare professionals can ensure that they have enough time to complete their obligations. This level of organization not only improves efficiency but also enhances patient satisfaction.

Challenges of time management in the healthcare industry

While time management is crucial in all professions, healthcare professionals face unique challenges when it comes to managing their time effectively. The unpredictability, fast pace, and demanding nature of healthcare can make it difficult to follow a predetermined schedule. Additionally, healthcare professionals often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, all within a limited timeframe.

Another challenge healthcare professionals face is the tendency to prioritize patient care over their own personal needs. They may neglect self-care activities, such as eating properly or getting enough rest, in order to care for their patients. While this level of dedication is admirable, it can lead to burnout and decreased productivity in the long run.

Time management techniques for healthcare professionals

Implementing effective time management skills can help healthcare professionals overcome the challenges they face and streamline their day. Here are some strategies that can make a significant difference:

  • Prioritize tasks: Make a to-do list and identify the most important tasks that need to be completed. Rank them in order of urgency and importance. By focusing on high-priority tasks first, you can ensure that critical needs are met.
  • Use time-blocking: Allocate specific time blocks for different activities throughout the day. For example, set aside dedicated time for patient consultations, paperwork, meetings, and personal breaks.
  • Delegate when necessary: Recognize that you cannot do everything on your own. Delegate tasks that can be handled by others, such as administrative work or certain patient follow-ups. This allows you to focus on tasks that require your expertise and attention.

Time-saving technology and tools for healthcare professionals

Advancements in technology have brought about numerous tools and software that can significantly enhance time management for healthcare professionals. Here are some time-saving technologies worth considering:

  • Electronic health record (EHR) systems: EHR systems streamline patient documentation, making it easier to access and update patient records. They eliminate the need for paper-based records and allow healthcare professionals to quickly retrieve information, saving valuable time.
  • Appointment scheduling software: Utilizing an appointment scheduling software can simplify the process of booking and managing patient appointments. This technology can help healthcare professionals avoid scheduling conflicts and optimize their calendar efficiency.
  • Mobile applications: There are various mobile applications available that can assist healthcare professionals in managing their time effectively. These applications on mobile devices can help with task organization, medication reminders, provide access to medical references, and resources on the go.

Healthcare software for time management

There are specific software solutions designed to address the unique time management needs of healthcare professionals. These software solutions offer features such as task tracking, automated reminders, and collaboration tools. Here are a few examples:

  • Practice management software: Practice management software streamlines administrative tasks, such as billing, scheduling, and appointment reminders. It helps healthcare professionals efficiently manage their practice, freeing up more time for patient care.
  • Task management software: Task management software allows healthcare professionals to create, assign, and track tasks within their team. It provides visibility into the progress of each task, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.
  • Communication and collaboration tools: Healthcare professionals often need to collaborate with colleagues in real-time. Communication and collaboration tools, such as secure messaging platforms and video conferencing software, enable efficient communication and enhance teamwork.

Importance of practice management systems

Effective time management is crucial in the healthcare industry, where professionals are often juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities. One way to improve time management in healthcare is by implementing practice management systems. These systems streamline administrative tasks by automating processes such as appointment scheduling, patient records management, and billing. By reducing the time spent on these administrative tasks, healthcare providers can focus more on patient care and improve overall efficiency.

Practice management systems also help healthcare professionals prioritize their tasks and allocate their time effectively. With features such as task lists, reminders, and calendars, these systems allow providers to stay organized and stay on top of their daily responsibilities. By having a clear schedule and knowing what needs to be done, healthcare professionals can optimize their time and ensure that each patient receives the attention and care they deserve. Additionally, practice management systems can help healthcare providers track and analyze their time usage. By capturing data on how much time is spent on different activities, providers can identify areas where they may be spending too much or too little time.

This information can be used to make adjustments and improve efficiency over time. For example, if a provider realizes that they are spending excessive time on paperwork, they can explore ways to automate or delegate these tasks to free up more time.

Healthcare time management is essential for providing quality care and improving overall efficiency. Practice management systems play a crucial role in helping healthcare professionals manage their time effectively by automating administrative tasks, prioritizing tasks, and analyzing time usage. By implementing these systems, healthcare providers can optimize their schedules and focus more on patient care.

Taking control of your time as a healthcare professional with WUWTA

Efficient time management is essential for busy healthcare practitioners. With WUWTA, a patient communication and healthcare software, you can enhance patient communication and optimize your daily schedule.

WUWTA’s user-friendly platform facilitates meaningful patient-provider relationships, empowering you to provide optimal care. Foster trust, engagement, and compliance with our thoughtfully designed system that delivers information to patients at the right time and in a comprehensive way.

Experience the time-saving impact of WUWTA firsthand. Request a 30-minute presentation to see how our platform streamlines healthcare time management and brings valuable benefits to your practice. Schedule your presentation now by filling out the form and take a step toward maximizing your efficiency with WUWTA.

Reduce No Shows That Damage Your Bottom Line

Let’s talk about the $150 billion elephant in the room.

Patient no shows are an everyday reality for all practices, costing the healthcare industry billions of dollars in lost revenue a year. But what’s the real damage that’s happening inside your practice?

A single doc practice is estimated to lose about $200 a day from no shows, which translates into $150,000 a year

But that’s not all.

Your front desk now has to spend more time tracking down the patient to reschedule the appointment, which could be several days, weeks, or even months from now. They may also spend additional time sending materials like appointment reminders or instructions, or answering questions on the phone. What’s more: your staff could be doing all those things, and it’s still anyone’s guess whether or not that patient will actually show up for their rescheduled appointment.

And, because no shows happen without warning, it’s too late to fit in someone from your waiting list. So not only have you lost a valued appointment, but you’ve also lost out on future business opportunities!

No shows are the ultimate time and money suck, and most practices think there isn’t much they can do about it. With no shows as high as 50% in some markets, you can’t leave your practice vulnerable to an excessive amount of sudden scheduling holes.

Why No Shows Happen

While some no shows happen because of unforeseen circumstances, you may not ever find out the exact reason why a patient didn’t show up. But there are a couple very common reasons that we need to look at:

  • Healthcare anxiety: If patients aren’t feeling comfortable or confident about the practice, provider, or proposed treatment, then they may decide it’s easier for them to not go at all. Unfortunately, patients who miss appointments risk negative healthcare outcomes.
  • They’ve lost interest: Some patients just lose interest from the time they schedule to the date of their appointment, especially if they scheduled several weeks or months ago.
  • They forgot. With an often overburdened healthcare system, patients are scheduled so far in advance it’s just not realistic to expect a patient to remember about an appointment they made several months ago.
  • Lack of childcare or transportation: Maybe their babysitter got sick, or their car won’t start, or the bus line isn’t running that day. 

So What’s the Solution?

Focus on the no shows you can prevent by increasing patient education and confidence:

  • Give the patient clear and meaningful information: Most of us have a natural fear of the unknown. Ease your patient’s anxieties by sending them relevant information that’s presented in a way they can understand. WUWTA’s robust library of personalized content leads the market in patient education and confidence. 
  • Engage the patient throughout their treatment: Your patient’s treatment experience starts the moment they make the appointment at your practice. Let them know they are doing the right thing and in the right hands by sending them the right content at every touchpoint. WUWTA is the easiest way to engage your patients and, thanks to WUWTA’s new dashboard, you can even see just how engaged a patient is and who might be at risk.
  • Reschedule quickly. Connect with your no-shows as soon as possible and make every effort to reschedule in a timely manner. Whenever you reschedule, WUWTA makes it easy to re-engage and re-educate your patients.

Hot tip: Go beyond appointment reminders. An all-in-one platform like WUWTA ensures your patients not only know when their appointment is, but that they look forward to it.

Reduce No Shows & Improve Your Bottom Line 

See how a practice powered by WUWTA creates more engaged and informed patients. Schedule a 30-minute presentation today.

Data-Driven Decision Making: 4 Strategies to Increase Consult Conversion

If you’ve been working in OMS for a while, you probably have a decent track record for getting patients to say “Yes” to treatment at the consult. What if there was a way to make the process easier and increase patient conversion by 20%? What about 40%? How much would this increase your practice revenue?

Oral surgeons across the country are getting more patients to say “Yes” to treatment after harnessing the power of big data to personalize the consultation experience. When patients feel like their individual needs are recognized, the decision to start treatment is easy.

What Is Big Data & Why Is It Important?

In a nutshell, big data refers to data that is overly large and/or complex. Healthcare data is a prime example of big data and includes data in patient portals, electronic health records (EMRs), staff schedules, and more.

Big data is defined by using the three Vs:

  • Volume: The greater the volume, the more insights you can glean about how to convert specific patient types.
  • Velocity: How quickly you can collect data about the patient and act on it plays a huge role in utilizing it in your practice.
  • Variety: Gather a lot of data types to deepen your understanding of patient preferences and personalize their visit and experience.

The right time to gather this data is before the consult. This means you have a limited window of time to generate the data you need to convert more patients and increase your bottom line. With the right systems in place, you can automate the collection process, use patient data the right way, and enjoy positive results immediately.

4 Big Data Points You Should Collect Before the Consult

Message Open, Click Through, & Response Data

The very first message you send to patients—and every message from there on—contains a gold mine of data! Are they opening the messages you send them? Are they engaging by clicking through or responding? This type of engagement data allows you to tailor your consult and increase your likelihood of conversion.

  • For engaged/active patients, spend less time educating them on procedure details and more time building a relationship.
  • For unengaged/inactive patients, prepare for a longer consult, more questions, and a harder conversion. Is there a doctor in your practice best suited to work with patients like this? Pair them up in your schedule with unengaged patients to maximize conversion.

Video Watch Rate

Videos are a powerful medium that informs your patients and builds trust. When they see you and your team in videos, they feel like they’ve already met you by the time they arrive at their consult. You can send videos to patients throughout their care journey, delivering the information they need in an easily accessible format.

If you are providing video-based education to your patients, but not tracking any of the metrics, you are missing important data that could help you personalize your consult. Does your patient have a high or low watch rate? Where did they stop watching? How many times did they watch each video?

Understanding where the patient is in their discovery process coming into the consult will help you tailor the appointment to their needs.


Microinteractions are small moments where you and your patients interact. This data can help you assess a patient’s level of preparedness and see what they still have questions about. Use them to ask your patients pointed questions as they prepare for their consult, then use their responses to take your data power to the next level.

Microinteractions in healthcare may look like:

  • A space for patients to leave questions/comments as they prepare for the consultation
  • A “What else would you like to learn about?” section with links to other content or videos
  • A “Was this helpful?” section at the bottom of messages, letting you know what content is more effective
  • Interactive features on your site or in messages; something as simple as an animated button or graphic will draw users’ attention and make engagement more appealing
  • A quick and easy process to leave a review after treatment, even if it’s just a tap to leave a rating

Knowing what your patient needs before their visit gives you an opportunity to drip targeted content and to focus your consult around their specific areas of concern. With microinteractions, you can learn how your patient likes to learn and care for them the way they want to be cared for.

Communication Style Profiling

Leverage data in the points above to find out your patient’s communication style. Are they direct and only want the main bullet points? Do they need a lot of information to make a decision? Are they swayed by emotion?

If you can determine your patient’s communication style based on the way they interact with your content, you can adjust your style to match theirs. This gives you the ability to talk with patients in a way they understand and respond best to. When they can understand and connect, they are more likely to follow through with starting treatment.

How Can I Start Collecting Big Data?

Big data is a vital tool for your practice’s success. If you’re not leveraging big data or you are gathering a lot of data with different tools but not connecting the dots, you’re missing out on a critical opportunity to generate more revenue.

Only one platform in the OMS space processes big data in a way that allows practices to harness patient information and increase their revenue. WUWTA is an all-in-one solution that leverages all the data above—and more. With WUWTA, you can:

  • Generate a Patient Engagement Score, which provides pointed tips on how to interact with your patient based on the data you receive
  • Tailor your consults based on these tips for optimum conversion
  • See an increase in consult conversion rates and revenue
  • Automate it all from your practice management system

The best news is: there is no extra work on your end! WUWTA gathers, organizes, and analyzes patient data seamlessly with most PM systems, so you can increase your bottom line and get more patients saying yes to treatment at the consult.

Start Harnessing the Power of Your Practice’s Data

Practices that collect and use big data provide patients with more individualized care and improve consult conversion.

If you’re ready to leverage the power of your practice’s data to increase your bottom line and consult conversions, sign up for a 30-minute presentation to see WUWTA in action today.