Three Things All Patients Want

When it comes to healthcare, patients have certain expectations and desires that they hope will be met. Understanding and fulfilling these needs is essential for providing exceptional patient care. In this article, we will explore the three things that all patients want from their healthcare providers.

Understanding Patient Needs and Expectations

Patients enter the healthcare system with a variety of concerns and expectations. Some may be seeking a diagnosis for a mysterious illness, while others may require ongoing care for chronic conditions. Regardless of their specific situation, all patients want to feel heard and understood by their healthcare providers.

The Importance of Effective Communication in Healthcare

Effective communication is the cornerstone of patient-centered care. Patients want their concerns and needs to be acknowledged by their healthcare providers. This requires active listening and empathetic communication skills from the healthcare team.

One way healthcare providers can demonstrate effective communication is by taking the time to listen to their patients without interrupting. By giving patients the space to express themselves fully, healthcare providers can gain a deeper understanding of their needs and concerns. This allows for more accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans.

Additionally, healthcare providers should strive to explain medical information in a way that patients can easily understand. Using plain language and avoiding medical jargon can help patients feel more informed and empowered in their healthcare decisions. Clear communication also helps to build trust and rapport between patients and their healthcare providers.

Three Things All Patients Want From Their Healthcare Providers

  1. Feeling Heard and Understood: Patients want to know that their healthcare providers are actively listening to their concerns and taking them seriously. When patients feel heard, they are more likely to trust their healthcare providers and be satisfied with the care they receive.
  2. Quality Care: Patients expect to receive high-quality care that is effective and safe. They want to be confident that they are in capable hands and that their health is being prioritized. This includes accurate diagnoses, evidence-based treatment options, and a commitment to patient safety.
  3. Compassion and Empathy: Patients desire compassion and empathy from their healthcare providers. They want to feel cared for as individuals, not just another patient in the system. A compassionate approach can significantly impact patient satisfaction and overall healthcare outcomes.

Providing Personalized and Compassionate Care

To meet the needs of patients, healthcare providers must strive to deliver personalized and compassionate care. This involves taking the time to get to know each patient as an individual and understanding their unique circumstances.

Healthcare providers can demonstrate compassion by showing empathy toward their patients. This can be as simple as acknowledging their emotions and validating their experiences. By creating a safe and supportive environment, healthcare providers can help alleviate patient anxiety and build trust.

Additionally, healthcare providers should aim to involve patients in their care decisions. Empowering patients to be active participants in their healthcare can lead to better outcomes and increased patient satisfaction. This can be achieved through shared decision-making, where healthcare providers and patients collaborate to determine the best course of action.

Building Trust and Rapport With Patients

Trust is a vital component of the patient-provider relationship. Patients want to feel confident that their healthcare providers have their best interests at heart. Building trust requires open and honest communication, as well as a commitment to transparency.

Healthcare providers can build trust by being reliable and consistent in their interactions with patients. This includes following through on promises, respecting patient privacy, and being responsive to patient concerns. Trust is not built overnight, but is developed over time through consistent and compassionate care.

Empowering Patients To Be Active Participants in Their Healthcare

Patients want to be active participants in their healthcare journey. They want to have a say in the decisions that affect their health and well-being. Healthcare providers can empower patients by providing them with the information they need to make informed decisions.

One way to empower patients is through health education. Healthcare providers can provide resources and information to help patients better understand their conditions and treatment options. This allows patients to actively participate in their care and make choices that align with their values and preferences.

Additionally, healthcare providers should encourage patients to ask questions and voice their concerns. By creating an open dialogue, patients are more likely to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and taking an active role in their healthcare.

Enhancing the Patient Experience Through Technology and Convenience

In today’s digital age, patients expect healthcare to be convenient and accessible. Healthcare providers can enhance the patient experience by leveraging technology to streamline processes and improve communication.

One way technology can improve the patient experience is through online appointment scheduling and reminders. This eliminates the need for patients to spend time on hold or wait for a callback. Patients can easily schedule appointments at their convenience, reducing frustration and improving satisfaction.

Telehealth is another technology-driven solution that can enhance the patient experience. By allowing patients to receive healthcare services remotely, telehealth provides convenience and accessibility, particularly for those with mobility issues or living in remote areas.

Strategies for Meeting Patient Expectations

Meeting patient expectations requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses all aspects of healthcare delivery. Here are some strategies for healthcare providers to consider:

  1. Active Listening: Take the time to actively listen to patients and allow them to express their concerns fully.
  2. Continuing Education: Stay up-to-date with the latest medical advancements and evidence-based practices to provide patients with the best possible care.
  3. Patient Education: Provide patients with resources and information to help them understand their conditions and treatment options.
  4. Compassionate Care: Show empathy and compassion toward patients, making them feel valued and cared for.
  5. Transparency: Be open and honest with patients, providing them with clear and accurate information about their care.
  6. Convenience: Leverage technology to improve access and convenience for patients, such as online appointment scheduling and telehealth services.
  7. Continuous Improvement: Regularly assess patient satisfaction and seek feedback to identify areas for improvement and make necessary adjustments.

Putting Patient Needs at the Center of Healthcare Delivery

In conclusion, understanding and fulfilling patient needs is essential for providing exceptional healthcare. Patients want to feel heard and understood, receive quality care, and be treated with compassion and empathy. By recognizing and addressing these fundamental needs, healthcare providers can enhance the patient experience and deliver care that truly makes a difference. By putting patient needs at the center of healthcare delivery, we can create a healthcare system that prioritizes patient satisfaction, improves outcomes, and ultimately leads to better overall health for all.

The Power of Video Testimonials in Reducing Stress

In today’s fast-paced world, stress has become an inevitable part of our lives. When it comes to seeking medical or dental care, that stress can skyrocket. The fear of the unknown, the anticipation of pain, or simply feeling vulnerable in a new environment can all contribute to heightened anxiety in new patients. Fortunately, there is a powerful tool that can help alleviate some of that stress: video testimonials.

Understanding the Impact of Stress on New Patients

Before we dive into the benefits of video testimonials, let’s take a moment to understand the impact of stress on new patients. When individuals are stressed, their bodies release cortisol, a hormone that can have negative effects on both physical and mental well-being. High levels of cortisol can lead to increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, impaired immune function, and even cognitive difficulties such as memory problems and trouble concentrating.

For new patients, this stress can manifest in various ways, from sleepless nights and elevated anxiety levels to avoidance of seeking necessary medical or dental care altogether. It’s crucial to address this issue and find effective solutions that can help alleviate the stress associated with healthcare experiences.

How Video Testimonials Provide Reassurance and Trust

Video testimonials serve as a powerful tool in reducing stress for new patients. They provide an opportunity for prospective patients to hear directly from real individuals who have had positive experiences with the same healthcare provider. By watching these testimonials, individuals can gain a sense of trust and reassurance, knowing that they are not alone and that others have had successful encounters with the healthcare professional they are considering.

Unlike written testimonials, video testimonials offer a personal touch that can make all the difference. Viewers can see and hear the genuine emotions of those sharing their stories, which adds a human element that written words often lack. This visual component allows potential patients to connect on a deeper level and helps build trust more effectively.

The Psychology Behind Video Testimonials

The psychology behind video testimonials is fascinating. When we watch someone on video, our brains automatically try to make connections and empathize with the person on the screen. We mirror their emotions and experiences, allowing us to feel a sense of connection and familiarity. This psychological phenomenon is known as mirror neurons, and it plays a significant role in building trust and reducing stress.

By seeing the emotions and body language of the individuals in video testimonials, viewers can assess the authenticity and credibility of the shared experiences. This visual component adds an extra layer of connection and trust-building, making potential patients feel more at ease.

Tips for Creating Effective Video Testimonials

Creating effective video testimonials requires careful planning and execution. Here are some tips to help you create compelling testimonials that reduce stress and resonate with your audience:

  1. Choose the right patients: Select patients who have had positive experiences and are comfortable sharing their stories on camera. Ensure diversity in terms of age, gender, and medical or dental procedures.
  2. Prepare interview questions: Have a set of questions ready to guide the testimonial process. Ask open-ended questions that encourage patients to share their emotions and experiences.
  3. Capture authentic emotions: Encourage patients to share their genuine emotions and experiences. Authenticity is key to building trust and reducing stress.
  4. Keep it concise: Aim for testimonials that are around 1-2 minutes long. Shorter testimonials are more likely to hold viewers’ attention and convey the key messages effectively.
  5. Include visuals: Incorporate visuals that showcase the healthcare environment and the positive outcomes of the procedures. Visual cues can further enhance the credibility of the testimonials.

Creating effective video testimonials takes time and effort, but the results are well worth it. The impact they can have on reducing stress and building trust is invaluable.

Implementing Video Testimonials in Your Marketing Strategy

Now that you understand the benefits of video testimonials, let’s explore how you can implement them effectively in your marketing strategy:

  1. Identify your target audience: Determine who your ideal patients are and what their specific concerns and anxieties may be.
  2. Select the right platform: Choose the platforms where your target audience is most likely to engage with video content. This could be your website, social media channels, or even email newsletters.
  3. Create a dedicated testimonial page: Design a dedicated page on your website where prospective patients can easily access and watch your video testimonials. Organize them by procedure or service to make it more user-friendly.
  4. Share on social media: Use social media platforms to share your video testimonials and reach a wider audience. Encourage your followers to share the testimonials with their networks, increasing your reach even further.
  5. Include testimonials in email campaigns: Incorporate video testimonials into your email campaigns, giving subscribers a glimpse into the positive experiences others have had with your healthcare practice.
  6. Monitor and respond: Keep track of the engagement and feedback you receive from your video testimonials. Respond to comments and messages promptly, showing your audience that you value their input and care about their concerns.

Tools and Resources for Creating High-Quality Video Testimonials

Creating high-quality video testimonials doesn’t have to be complicated. Here are some tools and resources that can help you get started:

  1. Smartphones: The cameras on modern smartphones are capable of recording high-quality videos. Use a tripod or stabilizer to ensure steady footage.
  2. Video editing software: There are numerous video editing software options available, both free and paid.
  3. Lighting equipment: Invest in affordable lighting equipment to ensure well-lit and professional-looking videos. Softbox lights or ring lights can greatly enhance the quality of your footage.
  4. Scriptwriting templates: Utilize scriptwriting templates to plan your video testimonials effectively. Templates can help you structure your interviews.
  5. Professional videographers: If you have the budget, hiring a professional videographer can take your video testimonials to the next level. They have the expertise and equipment to create visually stunning and emotionally engaging videos.

Measuring the Success of Video Testimonials in Reducing Stress

To measure the success of video testimonials in reducing stress and attracting new patients, consider the following metrics:

  1. Website analytics: Track the number of visitors to your testimonial page, the time they spend watching the videos, and the actions they take afterward, such as booking appointments or requesting more information.
  2. Social media engagement: Monitor the engagement metrics on your social media platforms, including likes, shares, comments, and video views. These metrics can give you insights into the reach and impact of your video testimonials.
  3. Patient feedback: Collect feedback from new patients to gauge their stress levels and overall experience. Ask them if the video testimonials played a role in their decision to choose your healthcare practice.
  4. Conversion rates: Compare the conversion rates of website visitors who watch the video testimonials versus those who don’t. Analyze whether the presence of video testimonials positively impacts conversion rates.

By tracking these metrics, you can assess the effectiveness of your video testimonials and make informed decisions on how to optimize them for even better results.

Harnessing the Power of Video Testimonials for a Stress-Free Patient Experience

In conclusion, video testimonials are a powerful tool for reducing stress and building trust for new patients. The personal touch, authenticity, and visual component they provide make a significant impact on the patient experience. By sharing their stories and emotions, real patients can help alleviate anxiety and reassure prospective patients that they are in capable hands.

So, whether you’re a healthcare professional looking to attract new patients or a patient seeking reassurance, incorporating video testimonials into your marketing strategy can transform the patient experience. Through the power of video, you can create a stress-free environment and foster a sense of trust and connection that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Remember, the journey to healing and well-being can be a daunting one, but with the support of video testimonials, new patients can take that first step with confidence, knowing that others have walked the path before them and emerged with positive outcomes. Embrace the power of video testimonials and embark on a new era of stress-free patient care.

Tips for Choosing the Right Healthcare Provider for Your Needs

The importance of choosing the right healthcare provider

When it comes to your health, choosing the right healthcare provider is crucial. Whether you’re looking for a primary care doctor or a specialist, finding someone who can meet your specific needs is essential for your overall well-being. The right healthcare provider will not only provide you with the necessary medical treatment but also offer support, guidance, and a sense of trust.

With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to make this decision. However, by considering a few key factors, you can ensure that you choose the right healthcare provider for your needs.

Factors to consider when choosing a primary care doctor

Experience and Credentials: One of the first factors to consider when choosing a healthcare provider is their experience and credentials. Look for providers who have a solid educational background, relevant certifications, and years of experience in their field. This will give you confidence in their ability to provide high-quality care.

Specialization: Depending on your specific healthcare needs, it’s important to find a provider who specializes in the area of medicine that is relevant to you. Whether you’re seeking a primary care doctor, a dermatologist, or an orthopedic surgeon, finding a provider who has expertise in treating your particular condition or concern is essential.

Reputation and Reviews: Researching the reputation and reviews of healthcare providers can give you valuable insights into their quality of care. Look for online reviews, testimonials, and ratings from previous patients. Additionally, ask for recommendations from friends, family, or other healthcare professionals who may have had experience with the provider you are considering.

How to find a doctor for you

Finding a primary care doctor is an important step in managing your overall health. A primary care doctor serves as your first point of contact for any non-emergency medical concerns and coordinates your healthcare needs.

First, consider asking friends, family, or other healthcare professionals for referrals as they may have had positive experiences with certain doctors. Additionally, it’s important to check if the primary care doctor you’re interested in accepts your health insurance to avoid unexpected costs and ensure coverage for your visits. You can also make use of online directories provided by your insurance company or reputable healthcare organizations, which offer valuable details like the doctor’s specialty, education, and contact information, making it easier to find a suitable primary care doctor in your area.

Questions to ask during your search

During your search for a primary care doctor, it’s essential to ask relevant questions to ensure that they meet your specific needs. Here are some important questions to consider:

What is their approach to preventive care? A primary care doctor’s focus on preventive care can greatly impact your long-term health. Inquire about their philosophy on preventive screenings, vaccinations, and lifestyle modifications to promote wellness.

How do they handle emergencies or after-hours care? It’s important to understand how your primary care doctor handles emergencies or after-hours care. Do they have a protocol for urgent situations, and will they be available when you need them the most?

Are they open to communication and collaboration? Building a strong relationship with your primary care doctor requires open communication and collaboration. Ask about their availability for appointments, their preferred communication methods, and their willingness to work with other specialists if needed.

Tips for getting a primary care doctor

When selecting a primary care doctor, it’s important to consider more than just finding the right provider. To ensure a smooth transition and establish a successful doctor-patient relationship, there are additional tips to keep in mind.

First, prepare for your first visit by gathering any relevant medical records, test results, or a list of medications you are currently taking. This will help your primary care doctor obtain a comprehensive understanding of your medical history and provide appropriate care. It is also very important to ensure the practice you’re looking into accepts your health care insurance plan. This will help you avoid unexpected expenses and ensure that your visits are covered.

Additionally, prioritize open and honest communication to establish trust with your doctor. Share your symptoms, concerns, and lifestyle choices to enable accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plans.

Lastly, be sure to follow your primary care doctor’s recommendations, which may include lifestyle modifications, screenings, or vaccinations aimed at improving your overall health. Actively participating in your own healthcare will contribute to better outcomes and a stronger partnership with your primary care provider.

How to build a relationship with your physician

Building a strong relationship with your primary care doctor is essential for effective healthcare. Here are some tips to foster a positive doctor-patient relationship:

Communication: Establish open and honest communication with your primary care doctor. Share your concerns, symptoms, and goals, and ask questions to ensure that you have a clear understanding of your healthcare.

Active Participation: Take an active role in your healthcare by following your primary care doctor’s recommendations, attending regular check-ups, and adhering to prescribed treatments. Actively participating in your own healthcare can lead to better outcomes.

Trust and Collaboration: Trust is the foundation of any successful doctor-patient relationship. Trust your primary care doctor’s expertise and judgment, and collaborate with them in decision-making regarding your healthcare.

The role of a primary care physician in preventive care

Preventive care is essential for maintaining good health and avoiding future health problems, and your primary care physician plays a critical role in delivering it. Here’s how your primary care physician contributes to preventive care:

One of the key ways your primary care physician promotes preventive care is through regular check-ups. These appointments enable your doctor to assess your overall health, monitor existing conditions, and identify potential risks early on. By detecting health issues at an early stage, interventions can be implemented to reduce the likelihood of complications down the line.

In addition, primary care physicians ensure that you receive the necessary vaccinations based on factors such as your age, medical history, and lifestyle. By keeping you up to date on recommended vaccinations, they protect you from infectious diseases and contribute to the prevention of community-wide outbreaks.

Furthermore, primary care physicians conduct various health screenings to proactively identify potential health problems. These screenings encompass essential checks such as blood pressure measurements, cholesterol screenings, and cancer screenings. By catching these issues before they escalate, your doctor can intervene promptly and help you take preventive measures.

By providing regular check-ups, administering vaccinations, and conducting health screenings, your primary care physician plays a crucial role in keeping you healthy and preventing future health complications. Establishing a strong partnership with your primary care provider will empower you to prioritize preventive care and maintain your well-being.

Enhance patient communication with WUWTA

Effective communication plays a vital role in providing optimal patient care. WUWTA offers a user-friendly platform that facilitates meaningful patient-provider relationships, fostering trust, engagement, and compliance.

WUWTA’s platform is thoughtfully designed to deliver information to patients in a format that suits them best: at the right time and in a way they can easily comprehend.

Witness the impact of WUWTA firsthand. Request a 30-minute presentation to see how WUWTA works and the benefits it can bring to your practice. Simply fill out the form to schedule your presentation today.

Why Patient Engagement Should Be Your Practice’s #1 Metric

Are you truly engaging patients in your practice? Or are you wasting time trying to reach them and just not getting through?

Patient engagement has always been a buzzword in the healthcare space, but many providers don’t know how to measure it or how it truly benefits their practices when they create an engaged community of patients. In this article, we’ll take the mystery out of patient engagement and provide practices with actions they can take today to increase engagement and, ultimately, get time back in their day.

What exactly is Patient Engagement?

Patient engagement can be tough to understand because it is both a process and a behavior. Researchers at Columbia University break engagement down into three main behavioral areas:

  • Participation and Involvement: A patient’s actions to take part in care
  • Activation: A patient’s confidence and skills to engage in care
  • Empowerment: A patient’s increased desire and ability to participate in care

Each behavioral state leads the next, and all must be present for a patient to be considered highly engaged. Patients who are highly involved build confidence in their ability to achieve the desired health outcome, thus entering the activation stage. As activation behaviors increase, so does the patient’s desire to achieve their end result, resulting in empowerment.

How can practices create these behaviors? This is where Patient Engagement also becomes process driven. Practices must devise and employ the right processes consistently across the patient’s treatment journey to inspire the three stages of behavioral engagement. We will show you exactly how to do that below.

Why should Patient Engagement matter to me?

Patient Engagement can only be achieved when providers and patients work together toward a shared goal of improved health. And, when consistently prioritized, practices can see tremendous results.

In a study of over 200 oral surgeons consistently using WUWTA’s patient engagement roadmap, practices stated that they saw:

  • Decreases average consult time
  • Decreases in patient complaints about staff communication
  • Increases in case acceptance
  • Increases in positive patient outcomes
  • Increases in 5-star reviews
  • More personal time back in their schedule every day

What would you do with an extra hour of personal time every day? Spend more time with your family and friends? Pursue hobbies and passions you have been missing? Spend it seeing more patients and increasing your revenue? When you create engaged patient populations, the possibilities are endless!

5 Ways to Create and Measure Patient Engagement

Deploying the right processes in your practice that inspire participation, involvement, activation, and empowerment can be easy with the right tools and team members in place. Here are 5 ways you can quickly begin implementing and measuring these processes and generating a result.

Utilize Digital Referrals

Utilizing digital referrals allows you to shorten the time between referral and scheduling, and provides a unique opportunity to make the first connection. Practices utilizing WUWTA can immediately begin communicating with patients as soon as the referral is submitted by the dental office. Patients receive a text message right away, beginning the participation and involvement stage before they ever speak with your team.

Establish Front Desk Scripting

Your team should set the standard in the first conversation, and proper scripting ensures patients get the right information at the right time to inspire action. Practices that leverage the prescriptive power of the doctor in this scripting are even more successful in creating engagement. When “it is so important to Dr. Thomas that you follow these instructions so you feel fully prepared for your visit with her,” the likelihood of compliance increases significantly.

Invest in Video-Based Education

Extend the amount of time that patients get to spend with their doctor by investing in custom video content that walks the patient through every step of their treatment journey. Not only does the patient get all the information they need in a format they can easily digest, but patients also feel like they get more time with their provider. This builds a stronger relationship and a greater feeling of trust. You also gain critical analytics such as the number of times the video was watched and how long they watched it, so you can understand if a patient is truly participating in their care and take the appropriate actions if they’re not.

Leverage the Right Communication Tools

Our busy lives make it difficult to call practices during business hours and sit on hold while we wait to be helped with a quick question. Providing patients with the ability to text with your practice can eliminate the need for long phone conversations, provide faster responses to short-form questions, and free up your staff’s time to focus on scripting and providing a stellar in-office experience.

Implement a Scoring System

How are you tracking engagement? WUWTA makes it easy by tracking all the important metrics to generate a single engagement score. Are patients opening messages from the practice? How long are they watching your videos? Are they completing registration in advance? Did they review the online care instructions? These factors and more can tell you how engaged a patient is AND can help you determine how much time you need to spend with a patient.

I’m ready to start engaging my patients!

When practice processes meet the desired patient behaviors, patient engagement can be achieved. Hundreds of surgeons worldwide are utilizing WUWTA to implement the 5 strategies outlined above and create engaged patient populations. Even better, WUWTA’s practice management system integrations can automate the entire process for even greater time savings.

The Post-Pandemic Patient: What Patients Now Look for in a Healthcare Provider

COVID-19 has thrown a wrench in patient care. What we used to know about crowded doctor’s offices and long wait times to speak with a provider is now a distant memory. In a post-pandemic world, patients have different standards for their treatment and new expectations of providers. Although these shifts in health care were quick to evolve, such as telehealth visits and quick responses, it is unlikely that they will revert back to their old ways anytime soon.

Our WUWTA experts discussed the changing tides of patient care with board-certified oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Dr. Robert Bryan, to learn the two biggest changes he has seen with his patients and how he has adapted to meet their needs.

Change #1: Patients Want Easier Access to Their Provider

“After the pandemic, I noticed my patients are showing a genuine curiosity in their health. With the rise of social media trends, like spreading health hacks on TikTok, patients have more questions about trends that could be potentially harmful, not only to their oral health, but also to their overall health,” says Dr. Bryan.

Social media connects people together, but in terms of health advice and medical discussions, it may be too much of a good thing. Patients will see content for the latest and greatest way to lose weight, in one instance, and make poor health decisions based on their emotions instead of a professional medical recommendation. Some users are quick to purchase a supplement without knowing if it’s really safe just because an influencer said it works.

The internet is an endless source of information, but it can be difficult for patients to navigate the overwhelming amount of medical information.

“If a patient has a question on a health-related social media trend,” Dr. Bryan says, “I would rather have them send me a quick message asking about the trend rather than treating a preventable accident.”

Dental trends that circulate through social media are of particular concern.

Dr. Bryan explains, “The tooth filing TikTok trend using a nail filer to even out their teeth could cause irreversible damage that would compromise their teeth.”

These circumstances, and many others, can easily be avoided now that providers are easier to access. Instead of seeing patients come into his office with severe tooth pain and damage, his patients have easy access to him through an advanced communications platform, where he can answer their questions and prevent costly or painful choices.

Change #2: Patients Want Faster Responses From Their Provider

People have always had some demand for speed in any industry, from ordering food at a restaurant to having their concerns addressed immediately at a store. The healthcare industry is no exception.

“The customer convenience trend has quickly become the standard at our practice post-pandemic,” Dr. Bryan says. “People are used to getting a response from retail stores, restaurants, and primary care providers by sending a quick text message.”

COVID caused the world of healthcare to shift almost entirely online, and things happen fast online. When patients have questions, they want answers right away. By using a communications platform, Dr. Bryan can quickly address his patients’ concerns and provide support at every step of their care journey.

“At my practice, we want to deliver that same standard for all our patients moving forward and provide quick answers with the convenience of their smartphones.”

Through phone calls, text messages, and emails, Dr. Bryan and his team can communicate with patients when they need it most. This open channel of communication has become the standard for healthcare today, and practices have to keep up with patients’ evolving needs to provide top-notch care.

“Providers everywhere should be using a platform to talk with patients,” says Dr. Bryan. “It has continuously satisfied our patients’ need for information, opened a direct line of communication between patient and provider, and in a post-pandemic world, it’s exactly what we need.”

Enhance the Patient/Customer Experience the Right Way

Customer experience is a major artery of any B2C company. The type of relationship a company has with its customers is vital to its success, and by selling directly to consumers, B2C companies have a unique opportunity to craft the way they engage with every customer to enhance their experience every time.

Many companies think that the right way to improve upon the customer experience is to communicate more with customers: more emails, more automated text messages, more phone calls asking about their service, etc.

However, customers don’t want more communication. They want better.

As the Chief Product Officer at WUWTA, I’ve seen the impact that a properly evolved communication strategy can have on a company’s customer experience and overall success.
Here are tips I would give to any company, big or small, to engage with customers the right way.

Increase Digital Engagement

The COVID-19 pandemic caused companies to quickly adapt to a new way of operating that’s faster, easier for consumers, and produces great results. Now, customers in a post-pandemic world gravitate toward services that operate in this way. They want what is most valuable to them: time and results. Digital communication allows companies to provide answers or fulfill requests quickly. The customer has a better experience with fast communication than if they had to wait in an office or schedule an appointment.

Every company should want to enhance the customer experience; therefore, companies should integrate more digital engagement into their strategy. My goal for WUWTA was to create a platform with a proactive approach to communication. I want businesses to have the opportunity to make a lasting first impression on the consumer and carry out that reputation of excellence with perfectly timed, custom content with unique messages focused on enhancing a patient’s experience. The result is that customers feel important: they have a stronger connection with the brand, and they will keep coming back.

Build Trust

A great customer experience rests on a solid foundation of trust. For example, WUWTA clients who are in the dental industry focus on trust between the doctor and the patient. Patients want to make that connection and feel confident that their provider has the right knowledge and intentions to reach the desired outcome. Using WUWTA, a health care practice can engage people on their terms by providing curated, personalized experiences that guide them through their journey. This builds trust and puts the patient’s mind at ease.

WUWTA bridges the gap between patient and provider early ‌in the treatment process and now, patients can communicate instantly. They feel more reassured going into surgery and feel more confident with their doctor before meeting them. Companies can also build trust by telling customers about their brand. The more customers know about a company, the more likely they are to support the business. Exercising better digital communication to share these insights helps customers feel more connected and solidifies that foundation of trust.

Personalization Is Key

Providing custom, personalized content to patients creates a more personable experience. Our goal is to help businesses learn who your customer really is, which enables you to communicate with your customer, client, guest, patient—or whatever you call your most important person—like they are your only customer. By tracking engagement across all channels, you can maximize the conversion and increase operational efficiency which leads to superior outcomes.

Delivering personalized content at each stage of a patient’s care and ensuring that the content is relevant to the step in their care journey is the difference—a difference customers can feel. In healthcare, for example, practices think that sending an appointment reminder is great personalized engagement, but that’s simply the standard of healthcare today. Going above and beyond to customize content based on their individual situations really levels up the experience. A care provider who talks to a patient and includes their name, procedure, and steps of their journey will win over a company who only sends automated messages.

At WUWTA, we’ve taken this concept of personalization and combined it with fast messaging to set the bar of communication higher. It’s a delicate balance of personalized messages, building trust, and delivering the right information at the right time. When executed properly, customers have a better experience and companies get better results. It’s a win-win.

The Bottom Line to Enhancing Customer Experience

Engage with customers the smarter way, not the harder way. With your B2C company, you have the power to make a better experience for customers. Focus on strengthening your strategy and onboard more digital communication. But remember: it’s not just more communication that people want, it’s better.

Get WUWTA at Your Practice

WUWTA is a comprehensive messaging platform that allows businesses to deliver custom messages to every patient when they need it most.

  • Enhance the patient experience at every step
  • Communicate through email, SMS, or video
  • Get more 5-star patient reviews
  • Strengthen relationships with referrals

Talk to a member of the WUWTA team today to start building incredible experiences.